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Cutting Labor Costs

Pencil and Paper

One of the major costs in industrial organizations is not the cost of people to run equipment (which is becoming increasingly automated) but in "overhead" labor costs in activities, such as:

  1. Manually filling out a paper form that someone else manually enters into a computer to track operations
  2. Manually entering duplicate data entry into multiple systems
  3. Spending time trying to find the status of a customer order to ensure on-time delivery.
  4. Time spent in coordination and planning meetings and related activities.
  5. Time spent capturing and sharing data to meet regulatory requirements for supply chain materials traceability
  6. Time spent fixing mistakes and late delivery problems
  7. Time spent trying to figure out why and where you are losing money.

By automating these processes, KnarrTek can save its clients between one and four (or more) full-time equivalent employees at a loaded labor cost of $60,000 per year or more each. This is at a typical first year cost of $20,000 to $50,000 and then a recurrent cost of under $1,000/month.

KnarrTek is able to do this by using its own software platforms, which provide over 90% of the needed code for these applications prebuilt or automatically generated:

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