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Dynamically Replanning and Rescheduling Operations

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In the "Good Old Days" manufacturers and distributors used to load up their warehouses with many months worth of a limited number of standard products and then ship from this stock as customer orders arrived.

Now, with the "Amazon Effect" industrial customers expect the quick delivery of semi-custom products, tailored to their specific needs.  Also, from a financial viewpoint, it is no longer acceptable to stock large quantities of finished products. These result in the need for Lean, Just-in-Time processing of customer orders, which cannot be done with the traditional MRP algorithms found in most ERP systems, which plan months of make-to-stock operations based on sales forecasts.

With a combination like MilramX and BellHawk, MilramX can adjust the new orders it issues, as well as previously adjusted orders, based on feedback from BellHawk, as well as the relative importance of incoming orders, and external inputs such as delays in the delivery of critical parts.

In such an arrangement, MilramX dynamically adjusts the due dates and importances of the orders and BellHawk handles the minute by minute scheduling of operations in each manufacturing plant, warehouse or construction site. In this way BellHawk can dynamically handle problems such as jobs running longer than expected or materials not be available when needed, on a micro-scale, without needing MilramX to continuously redo its macro planning.

In a system, such as this, the replanning can be driven by changes in data from many sources, which is why KnarrTek uses an architecture for MilramX with many intelligent agents running in parallel to handle may possible events at the same time.

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